Il 22 settembre presenterò un paper che riporto qui di seguito.
Se il tema dell’abstract vi fa risuonare vostre esperienze, mi farà piacere citarle.
Krakow 2011
Interculturalism Ahead: Transition to a Virtual World? Krakow, Poland, September 21-25, 2011
The cultural dimensions of encounters in virtual worlds
Sara DE ANGELIS – Educational Sciences Research Group
University Federico II, Naples
Elio VERA – Partner founder of CESMA Business School Milan
Intercultural Coach – Executive Corner Editor
Real and virtual mobility. The sense of cultural identity in the internet.
In virtual world, many aspects of communication are modified: individuation, perception of space and time make re- think the relation between the sense of belonging to a community, to an ethnic space, and leads to the change of concept of nomadism and territoriality.
The possibility of moving, travelling in many ways may modify the concept of citizenship, putting the premises to a kind of physical, intellectual and cultural nomadism (Pinto Minerva, 2002). At a first glance, this mechanism may affect a cultural identity shared with the community of origin; but this is not always true, if we consider the possibility of using the internet to get in touch with the homeland, with family or friends.
Thus, the first interpretations of internet as a social phenomena led to two different points of view: from one side, an enhancement of the construction of new virtual communities based on the separation of physical space and socialization; on the other side, the concern for the breaking of local social ties with a progressive process of isolation. Actually, recent researches would demonstrate that internet seems to be used most of all for professional purposes and for maintaining real and not virtual social relations (Castells, 2001).
Particularism and universalism, localism and globalism do not exclude each other, but may be sinthetized avoiding the risks of both cultural omologation and cultural identity obsession in a world in which people moves in virtual and real spaces . The workshop will stimulate a critical reflection on the personal relations in the internet, with a process of action/research.